Prevalence and impact of Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) among babies with suspicion of neonatal sepsis admitted to a MSF supported neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Quetta, Pakistan.

Principal investigator

Marcio da Fonseca
Purpose of study
Purpose of study

To describe the prevalence of bacteria isolates & respective ABR profile (as per blood culture results) among babies admitted to the NICU with suspicion of neonatal sepsis including stratification by early or late onset sepsis (EOS & LOS) & by pre...

Study status

  • Concept
  • Protocol & ERB
  • Implementation
  • Completion
  • Archived

Study timeline


  • Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) in Neonates with Suspected Sepsis admitted to a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) supported Medium Care Unit in Quetta, Pakistan.
    Fonseca, M. "–" Elsevier BV "(2018)"
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